Over time, you and your spouse may have drifted apart. You became distracted by the business of raising your family and have neglected to nurture the relationship with your partner. As time went on, the distance between you and your partner became greater. Intimacy suffered as the connection you once had is eroded. You want to connect with each other but don’t know how to begin.
I offer a range of strategies to address your specific goals. I will give you techniques that help you improve your communication skills and nurture emotional and physical intimacy. I can offer you concrete methods to improve connection, increase understanding, and share better communication. I construct my sessions to meet your specific needs. My goal is to help you feel love and support in a way that is meaningful to both of you!

Good communication is the foundation of any relationship. When couples are having problems communicating they can feel frustrated, disconnected, and anxious I will help you see the repetitive, reactive patterns that are destructive to your relationship. I can help identify the blocks to good communication and assist you in developing skills and strategies to improve the dialogue between you.

Nothing threatens a relationship as strongly as an affair. Affairs can destroy the foundation of a relationship and make it difficult to trust again. if you or your partner are talking wth someone on line, spending too much with a coworker or friend, or overusing social media…it could be a way to avoid some issues on your relationship. Affairs can be symptoms the we are not feeling validated or getting our needs met. There is help to prioritize what is important to you and rebuild your relationship.
Contact Kathleen Oravec, infidelity specialist, and let the healing begin.