Navigating hard conversations surrounding sensitive topics like politics, racism, religion, gun control, or abortion can cause strain on any relationship, whether it be with friends or acquaintances, co-workers, family or even a spouse. Knowing or discovering that you have different ideologies or beliefs than those you care about can be uncomfortable, especially if you are in conversation about those topics. According to the 2017 Stress in America Survey, 27 percent of adults strongly or somewhat agree that the political climate has caused strain between themselves and their family members. It’s important to have healthy conversations, but also to be mindful of when the discussion escalates and becomes unproductive.

I can offer tips to help you deal with friends and family members with whom you disagree.   Are you getting anxious about attending family gatherings?   Do you find yourself getting agitated  just thinking about past conversations that escalated  with no resolution?    I would like to talk with you to offer support and strategies.

Please contact me for a free 15 minute consultation.   916 714-0750

I look forward to hearing from you!